Sunday, February 6, 2011

First of all...

A huge apology to everyone that was hoping to get sandwiches this past Friday and Saturday. We really truly would love to make this happen, but there are a few complications that we're trying to push through. Unfortunately, from now on Doc's Grille will not be opening on our planned schedule. This does NOT mean we're closing for good. We're merely rethinking our business plan due to the following reasons:

1. Demand
We started the Grille because we knew that Wes students would be psyched to get a sandwich at 2am. However, we did not account for the insane demand that we got our first night open. We would love to be able to supply everybody with infinite grilled cheese, but as of now, that's been exceedingly difficult.

2. University Policy Issues
If you read this week's Argus, you may have noticed that another student-run business was recently shut down for violating the housing contract (see the bottom). Our most sincere condolences to our friends over at Big Dog Barber Shop. Doc's Grille generally tries to operate anonymously so as to not attract attention from the administration, but the assault on Big Dog could mean a crackdown on student-run businesses. We're currently trying to decide the best way around this.

3. Workforce Stability
We're students. Yes, we love the look on your face when we hand you a grilled cheese, but we also like to go out and do shit on the nights we're serving sandwiches. Thus, it's not always possible to run the Grille. We have other things to do. Obviously this isn't what our customers want to hear, but it's the reality of the situation.

We do want to keep serving sandwiches, but it will probably occur less frequently than we originally planned. Right now, we're considering running the Grille 2-3 times a month (and announcing the nights in advance) so as to keep customers relatively satisfied while not sacrificing our lives to do so.

If you have any opinions, suggestions, or questions on the topic, please feel free to email us or leave a comment.

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